the drumroll please... SIX WEEKS!
Yep, believe it or not, we've hit six weeks! (As a side note, this is blog entry number 100!) Appropriately, Kristin today started pulling out the 6 month clothing from storage. (Fern is big, that's true, but to some degree these manufacturers just don't know how to size their clothing!)
Anyway, as part of the celebration, I thought I'd post another "face" series here, which of course, I've also added to the "expressions" slide show. I also animated a typical crib session for you... as you can see, Fern is not afraid to let us know what she's thinking!
One of the most exciting things about month two is that Fern has started to look at (and occasionally even interact with) the high-contrast toys and books we've got for her. I've tried to capture some of those expressions in this set... Here you go!